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What They See

On May 21, 2018, I began a journey that changed my life. I consider myself a food addict who had been so overweight for so long that I couldn’t even remember how things used to be. How they should be. On that day, we started a plan called Trim Healthy Mama. It completely altered the way my husband and I eat. And transformed me in the process.

I’ve had countless people ask me about it because of what they see: the weight I lost (53 lbs.), that I look healthier, and several have also kindly said younger. I am thankful and praise God for all these things. But I’m even more grateful for what they don’t see: victory over sin regarding food issues, freedom from the shame and guilt of overeating, no longer figuring out what to wear depending on what will fit, eating healthier and tastier than ever, feeling better and having more energy, and a deeper walk with Jesus as I press in closer and daily rely on Him to make good choices regarding what to consume.

I have by no means arrived. I still struggle at times. And I know this is a lifelong marathon not a yearlong sprint. But God has done – and continues to do – a great work in this area of my life. Praise Jesus!

As 2018 approached, I had basically given up. I believed the lie I could never get a handle on my eating. That I would always be significantly overweight. That my best hope was to not let the scale get beyond what it was at that moment: the highest number it had ever been. Maybe I could lose a few pounds to give me some leeway. Perhaps even ten or fifteen. But anything more than that was just a dream. It’s one thing to struggle. I had surrendered to defeat. Then the Lord brought this wonderful eating plan into my life. And I am forever thankful.

As I was thinking about all this, the verse that came to mind is I Samuel 16:7: For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (ESV) It’s in reference to God’s choice of a new king for the nation of Israel. We can easily be impressed or put off by someone’s shape or figure, their beauty or plainness, or how they carry themselves. But there’s more going on inside all of us than can be seen. Let’s keep that in mind as we interact with others. And choose to extend grace, give encouragement, and trust that what we see only scratches the surface of who they are and what they’re facing.

Just somethings I’ll continue to learn and deal with along the way.

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