Straight Path
Happy 2019! I’m not sure how it got here but ready or not, the new year has begun! Have you thought much about what’s ahead? None of us knows for sure what we’ll face, only that there will be twists and turns and times we’ll be uncertain about what’s around the bend. Is there any way to straighten out the path? According to Proverbs 3:5-6, there is: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV)
This isn’t a guarantee that all will go well. God never promises us that. It’s more of a structure to follow that will keep us on the road He has for us which is the best and ultimately safest place to be. Let’s take a closer look.
Trust in the Lord…. To trust means to totally rely on or put our confidence in someone or something. God is the only One worthy of our complete faith because He won’t – actually can’t – ever let us down.
…with all your heart…. For this maxim to work, we have to be all in. We must trust God in and with everything. No exceptions. But that’s not always easy. As I consider this, I’m reminded of an encounter Jesus had with a man whose son was possessed by a demon. He asks if the Lord can help. Jesus replies that all things are possible if we believe to which the man exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24 NIV). We can respond the same when our faith is weak.
…and lean not on your own understanding;…. How often does what we see and seem to know get in the way of trusting God? Our faith needs to be fully on Him: His complete knowledge, presence, power, goodness…. Not on what looks right or best to us.
…in all your ways acknowledge him, …. I love the absolutes found all over God’s Word! Not only do we need to trust Him with all our hearts, but also acknowledge Him in all our ways. What does that mean? To consult, consider, include, and make Him known in all things. But it also has to do with recognizing that He has the right and authority to control every minute of our lives because He is God. And that He always has our best interest in mind.
And what happens when we do all these things? …he will make your paths straight. The Almighty will lead and guide us. He will take us where He wants us to go, reveal His will, and direct us each step of the way. What more could we ask or hope for in this new year?
Just something I’m going to pursue along the way in 2019.