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Seeking Jesus, living life, and sharing things



Something New

Blogging. It’s been around a long time. My son, Andrew, has suggested it over the years as something I might want to consider. I never had any leading or desire to do it. Until this spring.

April 25, 2017 was the 9th anniversary of my breast cancer surgery. I didn't realize the date or significance until my husband, Gary, mentioned it that morning. I was overwhelmed with emotion and a sense of thankfulness that I can't describe. I sat at my laptop and wrote this Facebook post:

Nine years ago today I was in surgery for seven hours to combat breast cancer. As I think about all that has happened since then, I am humbled and so very thankful that God chose to spare my life. I saw my son, Andrew, graduate from college. I witnessed my daughter, Alexa, graduate from high school and college, and marry the love of her life. I said goodbye to my Daddy and hello to my first grandchild, Lily. I got to fly across the country and cruise the Atlantic with my amazing husband. I was blessed with countless hours of precious time with family and friends. I also met some amazing people who have deeply impacted my life. The Lord equipped me to write five books and provided many opportunities for me to teach His Word. I sit here weeping tears of joy and thankfulness as I consider all I would have missed if Jesus had chosen to take me home nine years ago. I praise Him for each day He has given me and however many lay ahead.

As I was taking my shower that morning, I realized that the FB post was basically a blog. And I just so happened to be designing my new website which allowed for blogging! The Lord also gave me ideas for two more blog posts which I wrote – while in my bathrobe – as soon as I got out of the shower! A definite confirmation that this was a door He had opened.

I know All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (Ps 139:16). I’m so very thankful God’s plan was to extend them beyond my journey with breast cancer.

Just something I’m rejoicing over along the way.

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